Ping -t localhost|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" & echo(!time! !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost>nul" In faster/newer machines/os versions there is a synchronization problem in previous code, making the set /p read a line while the ping command is still writting it and the result are line cuts. Start the ping, force a correct line buffered output ( find /v), and start a cmd process with delayed expansion enabled that will do an infinite loop reading the piped data that will be echoed to console prefixed with the current time. To use from command line replace %%a with %a

Note: code to be used inside a batch file. Ping -t localhost|find /v ""|cmd /q /v:on /c "for /l %%a in (0) do (set "data="&set /p "data="&if defined data echo(!time! !data!)"